Team Information:
Team of Three Players - $480.00
Includes - Special "Thanksgiving" Prizes and Contest, Lunch, Snacks, and Dinner.
Entry into $10,000.00 Par 3 Hole-in-One Contest.
Sponsorship Information:

FALCON Sponsorship $2,000.00
TWO teams of 3 players
Hole Sponsorship-Name/Company recognized on tee sign and on flyer posted in each golf cart Company/Organization banner displayed at golf event (must provide banner)
RED Sponsorship $1,500.00
ONE teams of 3 players
Hole Sponsorship-Name/Company recognized on tee sign and on flyer posted in each golf cart Company/Organization banner displayed at golf event (must provide banner)
WHITE Sponsorship $500.00
Hole Sponsorship-Name/Company recognized on tee sign and on flyer posted in each golf cart.

Pay Online:
Please select fees and make payment on the separate window.

Tel: 808-673-3321
Kalani High School
Attn: Kalani Falcons Athletic Boosters
4680 Kalanianaole Hwy.
Honolulu, HI 96821